
1001 NOCHES. Ciudad de Guatemala.

Residencia Artística Temporal

Célula habitacional no mayor de 8 mt2, y un límite en costo de materiales, mobiliario y ejecución. La ubicación de cada módulo será la terraza de 1001 noches, edificio que busca albergar un área residencial que reciba músicos actores, ceramistas, escultores, pintores, artistas textiles, diseñadores, escritores y artistas en general. Los módulos no deben incluir cuarto de baño.

Convento LAS DOROTEAS. Sigüenza. Guadalajara


CENTRO CULTURAL. AÑELO. Neuquén, Argentina.

La localidad de Añelo está ubicada a 100 km. al Norte de la ciudad de Neuquén emplazada sobre la
margen izquierda del río Neuquén y se encuentra comunicada por la ruta provincial N° 7.
Entre el río y la barda se forma un valle que sirve de asiento a la localidad y que a través del riego se ha transformado la tierra para producción agrícola.
A pocos kilómetros se encuentra el complejo hidroeléctrico Cerros Colorados que a través del dique
Portezuelo Grande regula el caudal del río Neuquén.
La geografía de las bardas contiene a la formación rocosa denominada Los Pilares o Monigotes de
aproximadamente 25 metros de altura.
Posee 6500 / 7000 habitantes, lo cual evidencia un crecimiento de importancia en relación a los 2689
habitantes según datos Indec 2010 y/o a los 1742 habitantes del censo de 2001.
La economía local depende principalmente de la producción petrolera de la zona, estando rodeada de
los yacimientos de Loma Campana, Loma La Lata Norte, Loma de las Yeguas, Aguada Pichana, Aguada San Roque y Filo Morado.
Por estar sobre el acceso en las operaciones de la formación hidrocarburífera no convencional Vaca
Muerta, la ciudad ha sido denominada "La Capital del Shale". En septiembre de 2014 el Parque Industrial de la ciudad alcanzó por el impulso petrolero, el asentamiento de 117 empresas.
Por otra parte, también posee una creciente actividad agrícola destacándose la producción hortícola y
de forrajes, también en menor importancia se encuentra la producción ganadera de caprinos. Existe una incipiente industria forestal y vitivinícola.
Desde el punto de vista turístico, el lugar ofrece actividades de pesca y camping relacionadas con el río Neuquén y los lagos Mari Menuco y Los Barreales; en este último se encuentra un centro paleontológico con excavaciones de dinosaurios.
Al norte de la localidad, en el área de Auca Mahuida, se construyó sobre restos arqueológicos
correspondientes a la cultura Mapuche, el denominado Museo del Sitio, que contiene restos de
personas en las posiciones y condiciones en que fueron encontrados.
En el mes de octubre se realiza la fiesta provincial de la yerra y el pial puerta afuera.

Como actividades culturales, en Añelo se dictan al día de hoy 8 talleres (Arte Francés, Ritmo, Folclore, Música, Calado y Pintura, Manualidades, edición de video y Árabe) con un promedio de 10/15 personas cada uno. Algunos de los talleres tienen diferentes turnos por edades. Por ejemplo, los tres talleres de danza concentran cerca de 300 personas.
A futuro se desea ampliar la oferta cultural. El CC deberá permitir el dictado de varios talleres en
simultáneo, al menos dos o tres actividades al mismo tiempo.
El Centro Cultural deberá contar con:
• Un auditorio para 100 personas, que también funcione como sala de proyección (150m2)
• Un salón destinado a la práctica de danzas, con los elementos típicos de esta actividad (50m2)
• Un aula taller con posibilidad de dividirse en dos, donde puedan trabajar los talleres de arte y
manualidades (30 m2)
• Una sala de reuniones de 10 personas con previsión de pantalla para proyecciones (12m2)
• Un depósito donde puedan guardar los materiales de los talleres, los instrumentos musicales, y
todo material propio de las actividades del CC. (20 m2)
• Una oficina de administración con dos compartimentos, dirección y secretaría 12m2)
• Un núcleo sanitario vinculado al auditorio, el salón y el aula taller con un módulo incorporado
para discapacitado (20m2)
• Un office asociado a la sala de reuniones y la oficina de administración (6m2)


SkyCity Challenge


SkyCity is currently unoccupied and contains 17 hollow internal courtyards interconnected by a long spiral bike ramp that ends on the top of the 57th floor of the skyscraper. The goal is to create 17 public spaces that will interact with the future inhabitants of the tower. Afterwards we plan to convert the rest of the tower into an alternative co-housing / co-living complex we call SkyCity. There are spatial restrictions in regards to site, program or size. Each courtyard is 20m long, 16m wide and 11m high with adjacent balconies throughout three floors. Lit by efficient & low energy consumption LED lights. We have selected 6 different categories or themes the applicants must select for their design of their courtyards. The 17 spaces are all the same and their succession is irrelevant. The objective is to provide maximum freedom to the participants to engage the project without constraints in the most creative way. What is a courtyard in the middle of a vertical skyscraper in the 21st century? 

The garden is inspired by the architectural spaces of Piranesi.
It is formed by platforms at different heights and stairs that join them, which define an almost labyrinthine circulation, joining the three levels of the building that comprises the performance.
The platforms and stairs are metallic and suspended from the roof that will be covered by vegetation of climbing plants.
The blind wall will be a vertical garden with a water slide as a waterfall.
At the plant level there is a continuous winding seat that delimits a terrain with orange trees.
In one of the platforms we place a house of red color to be used as a meeting and play area.


Old Factory to be Recycled

The object of the contest is to find the best design for the outside of the building.

Two basic modules of 10'x10'x5 'and 10'x5'x5' defined in their edges by wood profiles of 0,5'x0,5' that adosados to the existing facade structure and define it. The elements are completed with a metal grid in order to make support of vegetation. And also two singular elements, one with the name of the company of 20'x5'x5 'placed in the corner and another of 10'x10'x10' indicating the area of entrance to the enclosure.


Furnishing Creative Lighting

CUBE 170526
A cell that associates with others and forms different bodies, by their size or arrangement.

A structure, aluminum, cube of 15x15 cm, defined by its edges that are hollow prisms of 7.5x7.5 mm and 0.3 mm thick of its walls that makes cell development.
Another structure similar to the previous one but with one of its faces closed to make of support of the integrated LED of 12x12 cm.
The structure can be lacquered in different colors.


Enel Creative Space

The intervention consists of regularize the spaces of the designed area and round off two corners of the room of creation in order to smooth the outside circulation.
Enclosures are opaque finished in white stucco except those that have black walls or those that carry shelves that are finished in blue-gray stucco. Others are solved with double glazing with screen prints to give a sense of spaciousness of space. The doors are changed by other wood as an element of contrast and to mark the importance of the spaces to which they give access.
The ceiling finished in white stucco marks the spaces and the circulations, it makes of acoustic conditioner and it contains the audio-visual, electrical installations, etc.
The floor is light wood throughout the area.

Modular furniture in light color is expected leaving the touches of color to the chairs.


HOME•LY nrg-pnq-IC-01

I propose a prototype with no specific location adapted to the following principles:
  • Design of high density housing as a more sustainable response.
  • Provide a basic structure and a network of fluid channels developed vertically that allows the adaptation of living spaces to the size or possibilities of the family, with the least environmental impact.
  • Assign an area on two floors to each house so that it adapts to the family growth giving it a relative flexibility.
  • Integrate a generous area of green zone to each house.
  • Make solar passive uptake a fundamental point of design.
The building will be built with prefabricated timber panel system with highly insulated flat roofs.
In each area (plot) assigned to each house different occupancy programs can be arranged depending on the family composition and its growth. They can grow as the family grows.
Even in the case of greater occupation there will be an outer space that will be an open green space or closed as a greenhouse that will function as a passive energy collector.
The facades open up to the surrounding landscape with generous amounts of glazing and green roof terraces.

The house connects family members in public spaces such as the dining-room and living area, but equally, allows each member to exist as an individual left to his or her own interests and activities.


Lasita Maja HOUSES

Using the traditional Lasita Maja Cabin construction method, weekend houses are designed so that they can grow as the family grows.